How to create a lucky luck to absorb luck and happiness

how to make a lucky amulet with your own hands

Today we will tell you about the powerful amulets to draw luck into your life, how to speak and make them yourself. The world of personal amulets is vast and varied. Each nation has its own magical artifacts, endowed with special powers, that humans have used for centuries to protect against villains and the Dark Forces, to kill. love, attract happy situations, luck and money into their life.

Amulets already have power because a large number of people believe in this power, bestowing the object with enormous spiritual energy. But the amulet becomes a truly magical thing, and it is your personal assistant, as you establish a connection with it. This can be done in a variety of different ways - with the help of meditation or magical rituals, you've got an effective amulet for good luck and good luck in all.

How to say yourself is a talisman for good business luck

To independently perform a magical ritual to establish contact with a personal talisman, you will need:

  • item selected as a talisman;
  • wax candles.

You need to do waxing on the moon. First, the object must be purified of foreign energy. To do this, you need to keep it under running water for a while. Light a candle and hold in your hand the strongest amulet of your future to attract luck, read the plot words:

"Protect from evil and keep me alive, bring me happiness, good luck, win my business. "

Do not put out the candle, let it burn to your fullest. During this time, keep your magical amulet nearby. At the end of the ritual, carry your personal success charm at all times.

How to say amulets at home to pray for good luck and luck - to live in abundance

The most popular magic item for attracting money and wealth is coins. Money itself represents prosperity; In various magical traditions, magical rituals are performed with them to fill money channels and activate energy of prosperity.

how to say a talisman for good luck and happiness

If you see someone dropping a coin, grab it, it will attract some fortune to your pocket. If you perform a witch ritual with it to attract money and constantly carry it in your wallet, periodically solidifying it with a conspiracy, the most ordinary coin becomes a powerful amuletTo bring luck at work and in any financial transaction. Lucky coin can be carried in your wallet, pocket or purse, as long as you always carry it with you.

As a powerful amulet for luck and money, you can buy a gold coin from the bank. In black magic, there are many rituals to raise money in gold and silver. Now we give you a home plot for a coin purse. The simplest coins used here are not gold, not old, not found, but the last ones in your wallet.

A money conspiracy is read to your wallet, on the first day of the new moon. They shook their wallet and read the plot of blessing three times, calling money into the house. If you do this every new moon, your wallet becomes a very powerful talisman for attracting money and good luck into the house:

"A rich businessman came to visit me, he brought me a precious chest as a gift, those merchants were decent and very rich people, anyone who saw aGuests will be delighted. The merchant's wallet rang, the money rang sweetly, my wallet also rang, money was vibrating sweetly, for now, forever, for all eternity. Lips and teeth, keys and locks. These words so that no one can open them. Amen ”.

Strong amulet for happiness and luck in all matters

Not only religious-related images become the strongest amulets for good luck, health and attracting prosperity and wealth. There are amulets in the world of rocks, plants, and animals. Monetary witchcraft applies to the whole world, not to individual parts of it. Magic truly transcends the world, enveloping it like a dome. Here are some examples of the most popular money spells you can use in your life.

what to do an amulet for good luck with your own hands
  • Bamboo- Green shoots of this viable plant are often given to loved ones in different countries as a talisman to attract the city. business. Bamboo represents success in any endeavor. According to feng shui, this green amulet should be placed on the east side of the house in order to activate the energetic energy.
  • A powerful horseshoe-shaped amuletis ​​not just a Slavic amulet for good luck and a talisman against calamity and trouble. In many countries and at different times they believed and still believed in the miraculous power of the iron horseshoe. There is iron, there is power. Iron is the result of the sacred struggle of the Elements - Fire and Metal. Of course, you can buy a magical amulet for business luck. But, it is believed that the strongest amulet is the horseshoe found by a horse dropped. How to hang a horseshoe mascot in your home? A horseshoe above the front door, lying with both ends facing down, will block the entrance to the house from all misfortune, protecting from evil eyes and curses. The horseshoe, which has horns set up, will attract wealth, making a cup full of houses.
  • Good Scarab Talisman- This amulet dates back to ancient Egypt. In ancient Egyptian civilization, scarab was considered sacred, and was one of the most revered mystical symbols. Hence, the images of this insect are viewed not on a daily level but on a higher, more divine level. The scarab beetles transform, transform, reincarnate in another world. And he also represents the living energy, something that no one can exist. And, of course, it brings luck. And not only in matters of material wealth, but also in what we today call mental growth. Today, it's easy to order a real amulet for luck and success, buy and wear without fear of energy vampires, dark wizards, and ruins.
  • A powerful amulet for good luck Rabbit's Foot- only an animal's hind legs can be used as amulets. The magic rabbit's foot amulet contributes to business luck and material well-being. In addition, if you dream of becoming a parent with many children, the rabbit's energy will help you to fulfill your dream.
  • Talisman Cat's Eye- This semi-precious stone protects the master from evil eyes and magic damage, helps overcome difficulties in life, escapes difficult situations with little damageMost disappointing. Cat eyes belong to the type of amulet, strong amulet, pray for good luck in all things; it is in fact a universal magic item. Therefore, it is loved by not only entrepreneurs but also gamblers to win money.
  • Lucky Elephant- Images of these noble, calm, powerful animals bring success in any field of activity. Amulet shaped like an elephant symbolizes longevity and wisdom, helping to make wealth and real prosperity. A pair of elephants with raised bodies symbolizes hospitality and peace in the fireplace.
  • how to customize a lucky charm
  • Amulet key at home- any key can be a lucky charm or amulet to appeal to happy situations, depending on the ritual performed with it. It could be an old key, or a key that was accidentally found on the road, or a key that you used once. Even from a souvenir "golden" key, you can make a powerful amulet by recharging it for good luck and luck. It is believed that such keys help unlock people's hearts, open a way to get rich, attract success into life and help enrich health.

On a full moon day the key can be used to make money with these magical words:

“The key is not that simple, the key of the royal treasury. The key is mine, the lock is mine; We have to open the box, close the box, don't let the bare, toothless poverty in front of the doorway. So it will be. Amen ”.

The amulet key can be kept in your wallet and carried with you at all times. Or you can go to the place to keep your money.

And here is another usable ritual of white magic, a way of making amulets for good luck and money at home.

Get old padlock and key. Open and close it multiple times, then read the conspiracy words that will draw money into your life:

“This is the castle, its treasury. My wealth lies there, the key has a lock that protects it. The castle is mine, I have the keys, I manage the treasury, I own the money. Let it be ”.

Holds the key where you keep your money. And carry the key with you.

How to create a powerful talisman yourself to attract good luck

If you already know a little about magical rituals to use independently, it shouldn't be difficult to make your own amulet for good luck. In witchcraft rituals, there are many simple, reliable rituals and rituals for use at home. For example, you could weave yourself a magic rope - a talisman for business success. It is woven from colored threads, it should be worn over the ankle of the left leg.

what to make a lucky talisman with your own hands

It will make you more successful and successful, it will make it easier for you to achieve your desires. Choose threads in colors that match your intentions and the task you set for your amulet. You can come in multiple colors or one color.

  1. Green thread represents wealth.
  2. The red thread represents love.
  3. Yellow - health and blue - hit target.

As you make your own amulet for good luck in life, weaving it out of colored threads, imagine a successful solution to the tasks you are facing at the moment.

The black magic of nauz - conspiracy for an amulet of luck and happiness

Once upon a time, long ago, nauza magic was created - a knot that a mage was forced to have explicit intentions on. Scientific magic is extremely simple and includes several techniques that allow you to effectively achieve what you want using a string. Scientific magic is based on anyone's ability to fall into a hypnotic state. The magic noose is both a true witch and the foundation of a powerful technique to draw success and wealth into your life. Using independent rituals of magic buttons, it is not difficult to manually make a talisman for good luck in life and good luck in business.

The button is the symbol of your magic action. Subtle effects on the physical level. But it is also an anchor, a sign of your intentions. It is the intention that the magician can reach. In folk witches' practices, the simplest materials at hand are used, something you can knot:

  • leather strap,
  • animal veins,
  • trunk,
  • rope,
  • ribbon,
  • braided,
  • rag,
  • In short,
  • laces, anything can be bound.

All amulets for good luck in business, independently applying the rituals of scientific magic, give positive reviews about simple and effective spells. least.

Create your own amulet and amulet to bless everything using the nauz technique.

Take a narrow strip of cowhide and tie the 3 on top.

  1. At the first button, say the words of a magic conspiracy to spell good luck: "So luck that is with me in my actions and thoughts. "
  2. In the second button, read the words in the conspiracy to wish good luck in business: "So it's always the same and true to my words. "
  3. And in the third nauz, say the mantra of good luck in life: “Well, good, not luck, can obviously knock my luck. Let it be ”.

All 3 knots are woven with a double knot, known as a witch's curse. Then, this flap is hidden indoors, or carried with it as an amulet. You can sew nano into clothes and wear them like a talisman.